
Résumé / Currículum (Spanish)

I am senior lecturer in History and International Relations at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas ICAI-ICADE, in Madrid. I was trained as a historian at the Universidad de Deusto, in Bilbao (Spain), finishing my degree studies in 2001 with First Class Honours. I obtained an MA in Journalism from the Universidad del País Vasco in 2002.

I have been member of the CLIOHRES, European Network of Excellency in Doctoral Research, where I published some of my first research works. In 2008 I completed my PhD at the Universidad de Deusto, focusing on the study of Spanish Foreign Policy during the central years of World War II. The aforementioned research was recognized with the Spanish Royal Academy of Doctors Award for the best humanities doctoral thesis of the year. That same year, I was also granted with a one-year scholarship to continue my research at the Centre for the Study of the Two World Wars within the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh.

In 2014 I was appointed Archives By Fellow at the Churchill Archives Centre of the Churchill College (Cambridge University), during the Easter Term.

I am Editor of «Comillas Journal of International Relations«, a peer reviewed academic journal published by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Comillas Pontifical University ICAI-ICADE.